Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Help - colour correction advice! My hair is now red/brown with about 1/2 inch of my natural colour..

I have naturally mousy blonde/brown hair and have dyed my hair a dark brown for 5 years. I had it highlighted at the hairdressers last march in an attempt to go back to natural colour, and the blonde just went really light over the summer. So i decided to dye it light brown at home to cover highlights, and it went really dark and PURPLE! So i dyed it brown on top to hide the purple and now it is fading and is reddy ish with my lighter roots coming through...looks naff!

How can I get back to my natural colour?

Help - colour correction advice! My hair is now red/brown with about 1/2 inch of my natural colour...?

right, the only way to lighten the hair is with bleach, a semi wont do a thing except darken. this is cos there is already a dark colour on it. the best thing to do is gently strip the colour with a bleach bath and then once light enough, colour over it in a shade thats the same as your natural colour. it is a colour correction and needs to be done at a salon, those home dyes arent true, as you already know!

if the condition of your hair is okay go for it but if its quite dry or split, you may need a good trim too.

i ahd black hair 2 weeks ago and i'm now a very light blonde due to stripping the colour. i've had 3 lots of bleach in a fortnight and my hair hasnt dried out because i kept it in good shape and well conditioned, good luck honey!

Help - colour correction advice! My hair is now red/brown with about 1/2 inch of my natural colour...?


Help - colour correction advice! My hair is now red/brown with about 1/2 inch of my natural colour...?

I know this is annoying but you will just have to let it grow out. Highlights will help it blend it and from there it's just a stage by stage process.

To be honest, I dont even know what my natural colour is any more...

Help - colour correction advice! My hair is now red/brown with about 1/2 inch of my natural colour...?

You're going to have to see a hair dresser for a corrective color. You are going to have to leave the coloring to the pros, you're not doing yourself any favors by messing it up at home!

Help - colour correction advice! My hair is now red/brown with about 1/2 inch of my natural colour...?

I have just gone through almost exactly the same thing!!!! except it was with henna then I tried to dye it back to my dark blonde and it went a crazy colour with bright roots!!!.You can imagine!!... Best thing I tell you give up the home kits and get a proffesional to sort it out!! Thats what I did and Im glad i did!!!! My hairs now pretty close to my natural colour again it took almost 5 hours for them to sort it out but it was really worth it!!

Help - colour correction advice! My hair is now red/brown with about 1/2 inch of my natural colour...?

Stop colouring it yourself would help!! Go to a professional hairdresser who will strip the present colour from your hair, and then will dye it a colour that matches your natural hair colour, and all there is left for you to do is to leave it to grow out!! Make sure you and your hairdresser spend time making sure you get the right shade - that way you won't have the problem of roots showing. If it is too expensive for you to go to a hairdresser to have this done your only other option is to cut it short!!

Help - colour correction advice! My hair is now red/brown with about 1/2 inch of my natural colour...?

Anytime you lighten your hair, you are actually "lifting" color out of it. Each individual hair has little "shafts" that open up when a product is put on it to lighten it...and this is how the color is taken out. It does damage to the hair and these "shafts" don't really close all the way so when you add a darker color each hair actually grabs the base of the color you are adding and that's why it is darker than what it is supposed to be. It will eventually fade like yours did. Sounds like your hair is damaged to an extent...so if you purchase a product that is the same color of your natural color, then it will turn out darker. You have different options, but the easiest and healthiest way to fix this problem is to put a semi-permanent..or even a demi-permanent color that is actually a shade lighter than your natural color on it. With the damage that happens when we lighten...these "semi" colors will act more like a permanent color and last longer on previously colored hair than they would on someone that has never had a chemical process done(virgin hair). I just told someone about a great product that you could also use..many companies make it..it is usually called "red blocker" or "red stopper"..something like that and you add some drops into the color before you apply it. It is a dark purple liquid..but don't let that scare you..it is very safe and helps keep the brassiness down...any beauty supply store should have it. Also, you might want to use a product that evens out the porosity of your hair...you put it on and it fills in all the "holes" in each hair shaft that have been caused from chemical processes...and this helps to ensure that the color that you put on your hair turns out the same color all over...so this might solve the problems with your roots. It's very simple to use and again it is sold at all beauty supply stores. Just remember to use it before you color..the directions vary by manufacturer, but they are generally on the packaging and are usually pretty simple and easy to understand. Also, when you use a semi perm. color..there is very little or no damage to your hair...the main thing is choosing a shade that will suit your needs..and I really do think that choosing one that is a shade or two lighter will work best. And it doesn't hurt to have your hair in the best shape possible before coloring by doing some really good conditioning for a few days prior. Just not the same day..this might block some of the color and keep it from "sticking" to your hair. Hope it turns out great and remember that no matter what..color can be corrected..just not always without further damage so be careful. Feel free to contact me if you wish and I hope this helps answer your question...have fun!

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