Sunday, November 15, 2009

I hav a red patch on my penis that just wont wife's pubic hair caused it and it has no

during love making one day her pubic hair scrapped me the top of my penis and for weeks it has not has remained a red just looks raw but it is not painful.may be not allowing it to hair and always wearing boxers is responsible.

I hav a red patch on my penis that just wont wife's pubic hair caused it and it has not healed?

By the sounds of it, I'd say you have a chancre sore. Pubic hairs are too soft to cause the tissue-damage you are describing. Nonetheless, get yourself to a doctor - better safe than sorry.

I hav a red patch on my penis that just wont wife's pubic hair caused it and it has not healed?

sounds curious to me go to the doctor

I hav a red patch on my penis that just wont wife's pubic hair caused it and it has not healed?

u should go to a doctor it,s the best way

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